tours in casablanca

Casablanca, Morocco's largest city, is a blend of tradition and modernity. Sightseeing options include city tours, food tours and visiting Ain Diab for its nightlife. Key attractions are the Hassan II Mosque, the Royal Palace, and the Old Medina. Casablanca is a city rich in architecture, history and diverse cuisine. It is sure to provide unforgettable experiences for travellers looking for adventure, culture and relaxation.

Hassan II Mosque Tour

Visit one of the world's largest mosques, the Hassan II Mosque, which boasts stunning architecture and breathtaking oceanfront views. Guided tours provide insight into the mosque's history and significance.

City Sightseeing Tour

Take a guided tour of Casablanca's popular landmarks such as the Royal Palace, Mohammed V Square and the United Nations Square.

Anfa and Corniche Tour:

Take a fancy tour to Anfa and enjoy a relaxing walk at Corniche where you can see beautiful views of the Atlantic Ocean.

Shopping Tours:

Explore local markets and souks in casablanca to find amazing traditional handicrafts, fabrics, spices, and other unique items. Enjoy a one-of-a-kind shopping tour!

Day Trip to Rabat:

Visit Morocco's capital city, Rabat, on a day trip to see some cool historic sites! You can check out the Kasbah of the Udayas and the Royal Mausoleum of Mohammed V.

Casablanca Beaches

Have fun at Casablanca beaches such as Ain Diab and Bouznika. They are excellent locations to rest and soak up some rays.

Art Deco Tour

Casablanca has beautiful buildings in Art Deco style. You can go on a guided tour to see them and find out their story.

Food and Culinary Tours

Try delicious Moroccan food by joining a guided tour, where you can taste local dishes such as tagine, couscous, and pastries at traditional markets and restaurants.

Wine Tasting

Discover Moroccan wines with a visit to local wineries and vineyards for wine tasting experiences.

Golf Tours:

Casablanca is home to some excellent golf courses. Enjoy a round of golf at one of the city's prestigious golf clubs.

Private Tours

Consider booking a private tour tailored to your interests and schedule, allowing you to explore Casablanca at your own pace.

Archaeological Sites

Explore archaeological sites like the Roman ruins of Chellah and the ancient Phoenician trading post of Anfa.

Cultural Workshops

Participate in cultural workshops, such as Moroccan cooking classes or traditional Moroccan music and dance performances.

Casablanca Medina Exploration

Explore the old part of Casablanca, called the medina, where you'll find small streets, busy markets, and very old buildings. With a guide, you can learn all about the history and culture of the medina.

Rick's Café Experience:

Come to Rick's Café, a popular restaurant that was inspired by the movie "Casablanca." You can enjoy a meal while experiencing the same atmosphere as the movie.

Make sure you use trusted tour companies or guides when you plan and book your trips in and around Casablanca. This will help keep you safe and make your trip more fun.
